Monday, June 25, 2007

Patterns and Shadows

Originally uploaded by Food Fanatic
Good morning!

For some weeks now I've been lurking in a photography group on Flickr called "D40/x Challenge." The group is exclusively Nikon D40 and now D40x users who like to play and work with their cameras. Each week a challenge is offered and the last couple of weeks I've submitted entries. Actually, I should clarify...there are challenges and then there are opportunities to just show your favorite (whatever the theme is). Last week we submitted photos of just our favorite photo of the week. Sometimes they are favorite summer photos...whatever strikes the group's fancy.

Last week the challenge was "Patterns." So I submitted this one. It was by no means even close to being one of the better entries, but I enjoyed walking around with my camera looking for patterns to shoot. This is of the end-of-day sun shining through my kitchen window onto my island cupboards. So of course it was rather low in the sky...the sun, that is... I have curtains on that window, after a fashion. They are kitchen hand towels with pictures of vegetables on them. There are 4 of them and I have them just thrown over the rod and tied with a ribbon in the middle.

So now I've spent way more time on that subject than I meant.

This weekend I saw three movies. All good, two excellent.

The first was "The Final Cut." Now, this was an excellent movie! Starring Robin Williams, the story takes place in the future, when many people (but not all), have microchips implanted in their brains that record every single moment of their life. Williams' character, Andy Hakman, is a "cutter." When a person dies, the microchip is removed from their body and Hakman uploads everything to a computer and goes through it all to make a video of their life for the family. The video is viewed during a "rememory" event.

Of course, he sees all the good and all the bad of each person's life and has to figure out what to keep and what to delete.

But Hakman has a part of his own past that he is tormented by, (a shadow, if you will indulge my attempt to tie today's entry to today's photo) and during one assignment, he sees a clue about it in the other person's life.

This was a fantastic movie! But very creepy. And an unexpected ending.

I'll have to tell about the other movies later. I've already spent half and hour on this post and there are things to DO!!!

Have a great day!


Anonymous said...

I'm intrigued. I'd like to see the movie now.

Great photo!

Lisbeth said...

Yeah, now I think I'll watch "Final Cut," as well.

Very pretty, the photo. Took a course in photography in college, and one assignment was to shoot, develop and print (does anyone have a darkroom anymore?) photos of things that looked like letters of the alphabet. Buildings, bike racks, trees, rocks, whatever. It's a great exercise. Trains you to look at things differently. With more awareness, perhaps.

Karen said...

Thanks ladies! I have been starting to think more about light now...since the first cemetery and now especially with this photo.