Thursday, April 05, 2007


Check out this Eagle cam...if you have a high-speed internet connection. (thanks Julie!)

Mom and Dad arrived yesterday and will stay for the next two weeks at the local state park. We had a nice meal last night of cornish game hens, green beans and tomatoes (a Giada deLaurentiis recipe), and wild rice with cranberries and almonds. Topped it all off with chocolate chip cookies.

Everyone was dragged out from a busy day, so they pretty much left right after giving the dog a bath. I teased Mom about us just being a dog-washing depot for them. They give that dog a bath first thing every time they get here.

Mensa Boy and Taylor painted Taylor's room yesterday. It's a very shocking blue. Kind of a post-it note blue, actually. Today they will do a second coat and then they've been talking about going on a hike.

Mom and I need to find something for me to wear. I have no spring/summer clothes that fit. So I should get started and Easter seems like a logical time.

OH YEAH...AND! How much screwier is "American Idol" going to get? Gina Glocksen is gone now?

Monday, April 02, 2007


A new medication I'm taking lists "lack of concern" as a potential side effect.

Apparently a "lack of concern" is considered to be a more serious side effect, because you are supposed to contact your doctor immediately if you are experiencing it.


[Do I need to spell out my snarky comment on that? Or Kristen, would you like to?]