Friday, May 11, 2007

Table Conversation

"Talk about the pot calling the kettle black," I said.

"Well, now...that doesn't make sense. What if the pot isn't black?" Nate wanted to know.

And from there it all degenerated.

One thing I will definitely miss about having Taylor in 6th grade is his constant references to his two male teachers.

"Mr. B-- says this,"
"Mr. B--thinks that."
"I think Mr. P plays 'Warcraft' when we are all doing our deskwork."
"I'm worried that Mr. B--is addicted to caffeine."
"Mr. P--is always saying we should think outside the box."

I sure do hope he gets 7th grade teachers that are half as good as the team he had this year. He struggled in math and gotten a little lazy periodically in Social Studies, but for the most part he's had a great year.

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