Things are bustin' out all over here in SC and that means many of my friends and family are suffering from allergies. YogiLiz is rubbing her eyes and Taylor is sneezing his fool head off. My car has it's first of many coatings of yellow pollen. Today we noticed that I have hand-print shaped pollen on my car windows. Apparently the pollen just adhered to the oils of the hands that had been placed there.
Thursday night we went on a shootout, intending to start with the peach trees and end with the full moon. But by 9:15 I was ready to bag it from cold and fatigue. On the way home we did see the biggest, most fantastic orange-colored moon I've think I've ever seen.
Spring break started at 3:30 yesterday afternoon and I'm hoping there will be many shootouts in the coming 9 days, as well as many asana practices, plenty of time vegging on the patio or porch, and maybe a nap or two thrown in.
Happy Easter everyone. He is Risen! He is Risen indeed!