Sunday, April 06, 2003

Gone to Carolina Archive: My First Pig Pickin'

Twins 3-3
Braves 2-4
Puckett acquitted.
What a busy weekend we've had! Yesterday was our "Day of Opportunity" at church. This was an opportunity to spent a long morning cleaning, painting, planting grass and just in general spiffing up the place.
But it culminated in a Pig Pickin'. Now THAT is truly a sight to behold. One of the members of our church as a trailer with 3 giant grills on it. He bought a whole pig, dressed to his specifications and cooked, for $175. Then he heated the meat a bit and de-fatted and "pulled" it...shredded it by just pulling at the meat, not cutting.
Then he laid the meat back in the skin and put that on his grill. He then dosed the meat with sauce and left it low for a few hours. Every once in a while he would douse it with more sauce. Now, this is a vinegar-based sauce that he makes. Not a tomato-based sauce.
At a real pig pickin', people will just go over to the grill, lift the hood, and pick meat off the mound on the pig skin with a tongs. But it was raining yesterday, and we really didn't have room for standing around out there, so he just brought it in to the fellowship hall in pans. MMMM doggie! What great stuff! We had slaw and fruit salad and beans and of course, copious amounts of sweet tea and desserts.
This morning we talked about Goodness in Sunday School. We pondered the question: Can anything good come out of a bad person, and can anything bad come out of a good person? We didn't really resolve that one.
This afternoon I worked on landscaping all afternoon. It was about 75 and sunny. It's clouding up now and will rain tonight. I sure do like the weather here!

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