Thursday, April 17, 2003

Gone to Carolina Archive: Comment Crabbiness

Twins 8-6 Braves 7-8
I'm deciding what to about the comments section of my blog. Apparently there is no way to delete comments that people put on there. As most of you know, a person "flamed" me pretty well the first week and I left it there.
But this morning I find someone has put characters in a comment that seem suggestive.
I can either leave the comment option open and we can ignore them, or I can turn the comments off altogether.
Most of you are not writing comments anyway. All of you know my email address, so you can send me notes using that.
So, if you have a feeling about it, let me know. I'd hate to take the comments off, because my initial feeling was that people might sort of use it like a "Round Robin" sort of thing and we could all communicate with each other using that feature.
But, I don't want scum using it to get cheap thrills either. Let me know.
I'm too crabby to write anything entertaining this morning, so I'm signing off.

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